Bordtennisligaen: Maksimumpoints efter 5-1 sejr

Sidste kamp i første halvdel af turneringen endte med en 5-1 sejr (in danish and english)


I en kamp uden betydning vandt vi 5-1 over bundproppen fra Viby. Dermed går vi videre til Grundspil 2 med 6 points, mens B 75 får 4, Roskilde 3, Herlev 2, Hillerød 1 og Virum 0.

21-årige Ibrahim Anspari fra Aserbajdsjan fik chancen efter flotte resultater på 2. og 3. holdet, og defensivspilleren, som studerer på Universitet i Krakow, svigtede ikke vores tillid. Med stor variation i defensiven og med utrolige fighteregenskaber, blev han publikumsfavoritten i dag, og flere gange kastede han sig efter umulige bolde. Til sidst kunne han sikre sig en fortjent 3-0 over Mark Kynde i en flot debut, der fik klapsalverne til at runge i Mærk Næstved Hallen.

Andreas Törnkvist, Charlie Carlsson og Jeppe Spottog var de øvrige på holdet i dag, og nu venter vi spændt på offentliggørelsen af kampene i 2024.


We defeated Viby in the the last game in Group Stage 1.

In a game with no importance we defeated Viby who are bottom of the league with 5-1. Finishing first at Group Stage 1 means we will start Group Stage 2 with 6 points, B 75 will be granted 4, Roskilde 3, Herlev 2, Hillerød 1 and Virum 0.

After good performances for Næstved 2 and Næstved 3, we decided to give 21 years old Ibrahim Anspari from Azerbaijan a chance, and the chopper who studies at the University of Krakow did not let us down.

With great variation in his defensive skills, and several situations where he threw himself after a ball, he was definitely the supporters favourite player today. At the end he could celebrate a 3-0 victory in a very impressive debut at the biggest stage in Denmark.

The other players today were Andreas Törnkvist, Charlie Carlsson and director of sport Jeppe Spottog, and we are now eagerly anticipating the schedules of the games in 2024.


Charlie Carlsson
Ibrahim Ansari
Team Næstved Sponsor: